Contact Australian Ex-50 Fund

Contact Australian Ex-50 Fund


The Contact Australian Ex-50 Fund balances growth and income to provide access to a concentrated portfolio of quality Australian companies that sit outside the S&P/ASX 50 Index. This strategy seeks to find long term investments in tomorrow’s leaders. Derivatives, short selling and gearing will not be used. The strategy applies Contact’s long term focused investment philosophy.


The Fund’s investment objective is to seek to achieve strong relative returns in excess of the 10% Target Return, through a concentrated portfolio of high quality small to medium sized ASX listed companies.

Fund Information  |  Why Invest?  |  Reports  |  Performance  |  Ratings and Platforms  |  Prices and Distribution  |  Investor Forms

Fund Information

InceptionMarch 2020
Quality driven by bottom-up research
Distribution Frequency Semi-annually
HoldingsTypically 20 to 30 Australian mid-cap and small-cap Australian equities
Investment Horizon7 years or more
Management Fee0.60% per annum (excluding GST) of the net asset value of the Fund (after any current accrued Management Fees and expenses).
Performance FeeNone
Lonsec RatingLONSEC Investment Grade (Disclaimer)
Target ReturnTotal Return of 10% per annum (net of fees)
Portfolio ManagersWill Culbert (Lead Portfolio Manager)
Tom Millner

Why Invest?

Many Australian Equity investors hold a large allocation of their wealth in traditional Large-Cap companies. At the larger end of the market, and especially in the Top 20, the Index is heavily weighted towards financials which is largely made up of banks. For others there may be direct investments with the ability and access Micro-Cap, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Property opportunities. Many of these investments are unique, opportunistic and can be very rewarding. However, analysing and monitoring these investments can also be very time consuming.

Companies that sit outside the S&P/ASX50 Index are often ignored. However, it’s these companies who have a proven business model and are at the point in the business life cycle where revenue and earnings are often rising at a fast rate. An investment into the broad Small and Mid-Cap universe can provide a great opportunity for investors seeking sector diversification and additional growth.

The Contact Ex-50 Fund holds a majority of its portfolio in founder-led companies.

Founder-led companies are those whose founder holds a position of influence; CEO, Chairman, Board Member, Family Member or a substantial shareholder. Founder-led companies benefit from the long-term guidance of their founders. Executives who founded a firm often see it as their life’s work. Founders are highly motivated to think long-term and have invested a sizable portion of their life savings into their companies. They are aligned with those of their shareholders. Founders know much more about the company’s business. They have a clear idea of where they want to go, and they will guide the business in that direction. Many non-founder executives do not have the vision that a strong founder has.


Performance to 30 September 20241 Month1 Year2 Years (p.a) #3 Years (p.a) #Since Inception (p.a.) #
Contact Australian Ex-50 Fund5.2%14.2%11.4%2.0%9.0%
S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Index5.1%18.8%12.7%-0.6%11.2%
S&P/ASX Mid-cap 50 Index3.1%18.6%14.4%6.6%18.6%
Targeted return of 10% per annum10.0%10.0%10.0%10.0%

Performance is reported net of all fees and assumes reinvestment of distributions. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. # Inception date is 17 March 2020. Performance figures may be subject to rounding. Numbers greater than one year are annualised. The reference to the blended Mid cap/Small cap index is for information only. There are no performance fees or hurdles tied to this index.

Research Reports and Ratings

September 2023LONSEC - Investment Grade (Disclaimer)

Platform Availability


Prices and Distribution

Daily unit pricing

Distribution History

DateDistribution per UnitReinvestment price

All website content in respect of the Contact Australian Ex-50 Fund ARSN 639 574 708 (the Fund) is issued by Evolution Trustees Limited ACN 611 839 519 AFSL 486217 (Evolution) as responsible entity of the Fund. Contact Asset Management Pty Limited ACN 614 316 595 AFSL 494045 (Contact) is the investment manager. The information provided in this website is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision in respect of the Fund, you should consider the current Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD), and other material published by Contact or Evolution, and assess whether the Fund is appropriate given your objectives, financial situation or needs. If you require advice that takes into account your personal circumstances, you should consult a licensed or authorised financial adviser. Neither Evolution nor Contact guarantees repayment of capital or any particular rate of return from the Fund. Neither Evolution nor Contact gives any representation or warranty as to the currency, reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website. All opinions and estimates included in this website constitute judgments of Contact as at the date of website creation and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. For performance reporting purposes, the NAV unit price has been used, however, if an investor is to come out of the Fund, that would be done at the exit price.